Gentry's Wyyc video viral?! & Gentry making Headlines (Merged)

Do modern skaters think that Tony Hawk and Rodney Mullen are “killing the image”? Embrace the history, don’t act like it’s holding you back.

I don’t think that’s what the guy meant in that YouTube comment.

I think he meant how when everyone thinks of yoyo they think of walk the dog and simple stuff rather then what it’s become today

They were interested enough to watch (maybe). The thing to remember is that hate is easy because it gives one an excuse not to try, which is related to fear and the fear of failure, which leads to not taking action. Something to think about the next time you see someone doing something different and think “meh.”

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Gave them the difference between unresponsivbe and responsive play. kind of tried to clarify how hard what hes doing actually is. cost of yoyo’s, bearings, ugg…the glove…, string.


That sound pretty awesome. Not only did you help explain yoyoing to those in studio, but you also educated the masses too. Good Work!

You mean to tell me he’s planning on joining forces with One Drop again?!

Nice post GCFYY. That live broadcast could have easily been on ESPN. That would have been so cool. Bringing the 1A win back to the U.S.A. got more attention from the media here, that’s for sure. I’m loving it.

Only if you bring in Hiroyuki and Takeshi to form the Big 3. Luis and Paul Kerbal could round out the starting five.


not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5, not 6 but 7 straight world titles. :wink:

Their innovators of the sport who took it too a whole new level. Do we still talk about any champs from the beginning of skateboarding who kick flipped and Ollied purely??? No, we talk about Tony Hawk who revolutionized the sport with tricks like landing the first 900.

I agree with gentry completely, it’s an image that won’t draw youth and new yoyoers to the sport, I disagree with how he put it. I love talking to old people about yoyo’s, but unfortunately their not going to revolutionize the sport or take it too a new level. Wether or not you want yoyoing at that level or that kind of exposure is a whole other topic. Personally I would like to see it become as popular ad it can be.

It certainly did catch the eye of radio shows and sports websites, can’t wait for Worlds 2015 in Japan.

Gentry is pretty much a marketing person’s dream come true, and I think the folks at YYF are smart enough to recognize this and get him as much exposure as possible. He’s young, good looking, confident (cocky even), knows how to talk to press without coming across as geeky or aloof, and now he’s the reigning world champ. I don’t know that he could single-handedly cause a boom, but I guarantee he’ll sell boatloads of yoyos and inspire a legion of kids.


The amount in royalties he is going to make with the Shutter is going to skyrocket in the next week or two.


LMAO You compare Gentry to Tiger and then say nah, more like Lebron, and then describe Tiger to a T. LOL, I thought that was funny.

Yoyo competitions have been ESPN for years man. But, it would definitely be cool to competitions aired on the reg.(regularly)

If you go back a bit Abby supplied one

This is a little off topic, but since you brought him up, I just have to say it. Dane Cook is…how do I say this…the most not funny comedian that the world of comedy has ever known, lol (I know that’s not how you would say that btw, but I didn’t think calling him stupid or a dumb @$$ was the right choice of words either) Anyway, His jokes are just so terrible; there’s no wit to them. They aren’t clever at all. They’re just stupid. Nine or ten year olds might think he’s funny? I really don’t understand how anyone can find him funny though. His standup is so bad, it almost brings me to tears. I have a friend who has a pretty good sense of humor, yet he thinks Dane Cook is funny. For that sole reason alone, I’ve watched his standup, just to try to understand what my friend actually thinks is funny about him, and every time I do, the only thing that happens is I end up thinking he’s even stupider than I had originally thought. Sorry, I know that’s off topic, but I feel so much better now. By the way, if you’re a Dane Cook fan, something is wrong with you. lol.

Was wondering when someone was going to catch that. :wink:

I was actually thinking how I disagree with you completely on the differences between Lebron, Tiger, and Gentry… Main being Tiger and Gentry won on their own and didn’t ever need help *cough Bosh, *cough Wade…oooohhhhh sizzle. (Please don’t take too serious, just getting a little jabberoo in there ;D)

You didn’t get exactly what I meant in that post.

I compared tiger and gentry initially. Then I discredited my original comparison saying he’s more like Lebron. Only to then describe Mr. Woods. It may have been a lil over complicated. Just wanted to see if ppl were paying attention. :wink: