G2 YoYos News - Shamrock Punchline Encore

What are your planned releases here at YoyoExpert, @G2_Jake?

Was not ready for this. :pleading_face:


Nothing right now. Andre and I have discussed some options but have not finalized anything.


Be good to see some back here.


I agree.

I imagine it’s hard to justify when your direct sales seem to be steady and going great and the net profit is probably lower when going through a retailer vs everything you’ve already built in house. Only plus is you get more time back to do other things (probably)

Could see solids or raw on the store here and keep the special splashes and such to the standard G2 drop plan


Never really thought about this. YYE likes to have stock available long term and would be a good possible solution.

Right now I’m about maxed out what I do solo right now.

Sending larger batches to YYE is slightly easier because I don’t have to individually ship them. But assembly and testing are still very time demanding. Second bottle neck is that I use a 1 man ano shop for a lot of my ano so I have limited tank time there.

G2 is different from most other brands. I would want the restock at yye to be an “event” and long term set up. Just sending over 100 banshee T52 for a normal restock isn’t quite what I’m looking to do.


A good bit of the wholesale cost is to provide advertising to your brand. Even with G2 selling out almost instantly there is still a segment of the yo-yo world that hasn’t tried us and YYE shop would help that some.

But again back to the bottleneck of my QC and ano limitations.

Good problems to have though.