G2 YoYos News - Honeycomb

Relient K. You should check ‘em out— my favorite song from them is “Savannah”

I know them. Didn’t know they were from canton. Nice!

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Newton Falls

Reliant k is awesome

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Gooooood Morning!

Info on the Operator yo-yo you might have seen popping up lately.

Loadout Tuesday is all set - revisited an old colorway today.

G2 x YYBC - Operator Prototype


in the video you say at one point you kept some center weight so it wasn’t overly powerful. what’s that? what’s the negative effect of what you consider too much power when you approach design?

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It’s clearly to prevent concussions when you don’t notice the yo-yo’s string is locked. Duuh

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rim weight usually translates to heavier feeling yo-yos. More momentum and less agility.


Give and take. More weight must be around the center to obtain the “Floaty” feel. Conversely, this reduces Rim Weight for Power.

The design idea for this yoyo is an “Updated Nostalgic”. Resto Mod if you will. Take the popularity from a time period (15 Years ago) and give it modern parts and mechanics today.

For those who played in this time period, this would have been The Best Thing since Yoyo String.

For those who did not have this experience. It should be fun!


Just a short one today. Trick and treats

Spooky yoyos


Goooooooood morning!

MMYY is live, now you can start your week.

MMYY - 10.21.24 - This weeks updates


Activity Log : 10.25.24 : Testing


I love these Encores.

how often do you usually restock diamond string? been liking it on the loadout!

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I regret to inform you. But Diamond Blend has hit a production snag and likely will not be produced past current stock.

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This is sad to say the least

oh no bummer. well tks for the heads up. thank goodness for prestige v2😃

New diamond blend was approved and started production. Not likely to restock for a month or two though when I have enough built up


Goooooood Morning!

Huge MMYY today. Little bit of everything.

MMYY - 10.28.24 - Nessie 24 Update, Halloween Releases, Movember dets, Discrod Giveaway, Ti Shipment


WORKHORSE Production Pre-Order THIS FRIDAY through SUNDAY!!!