Activity Log : 8.14.24 : Shipment Catchup
Huge round of applause for this weeks bangers.
MMYY 8.19.24 - AL7 Tsunami, Customs, FSBSS, Beach Bangers
the snozzberries really do taste like snozzberries
Snozzberry, whoever heard of a snozzberry!
the wild snozzes of east glorpufeld…duh
Good morning. It’s the world famous Loadout Tuesday. Friends don’t let friends not own a Loadout.
In the meantime I have a tutorial from
Mike for you all today.
Slack to upside down triangle TUTORIAL
Ask any wangdoodle and they will tell you that snobberies are their favorite.
Gooooood morning! Great trick from club a few sessions back. Good amount of flair and I think everyone can learn this one.
G2 TUTORIAL - Houdini Slack Triangle by Mike Marshall
I’ll take it. even do the assembly myself.
Gooooooooood morning!
Back after a week off the interwebs with a few things to talk about.
MMYY 9.9.24 - Spartans Spin, Box issue, Boomer Unresponsive, Loadout Tuesday, Offical G2 BST
@GTDropKnot Made the Bangers of the Week!!!
(aka Keith
Bro i made a boo boo
It wasnt planned. His yoyos still heavy af and i love him.
Lol it’s all good bro it’s Henry not Keith and those yo-yos are 80g not 70g lol really glad you like the tricks tho