G2 FOV (Show)Case

Bit of a story behind that one and the details are all second or third hand, so I can’t really verify it all for sure.

So, it’s a Basecamp Expedition that I got in a trade. It was powdercoated in a Bape style colorway. It came with the box, which has “Wesley Cheng Custom - Anti-Camp Expezilla” written on the side of it in Sharpie. I asked the person that traded it to me about the history and was told that apparently there were some raw halves that were sold and someone that really loved the throw bought up a bunch of them. Had Wesley coat this one in that color. Unfortunately, the coating was polished and had a lot of light surface scratches as well as a little bit of trash in it. The bearing was shot and I just wasn’t happy with how the coating looked overall. So I stripped the powdercoat off and replaced the bearing with a Pixel bearing. So now I have a raw polished Expedition!