I still can’t figure out what your profile icon is.
I know it’s NOT the answer, but I always think of the little Mouse Trap figures, and it’s awesome, haha.
It’s a T and a Y, and a yoyo string with a loop making an O.
A Throw-Y monogram
Heads up it’s all white on mobile.
I see it now!
Still don’t see it, but the now I see a mouse hehe
I sawed this YOYO in half!
This picture hurts my soul
Ohhhhhhhh i see it now but I gotta look hard lol idk why my eyes just don’t wanna see that
I’m a little slow. Please explain. What does slapping a patch on a leaky water jug have to do with yoyos?
I believe the reference is to the previous post with the broken jojo. Like, maybe use Flex Tape. Then I made a reference to said Flex Tape infomercial where he says, “I sawed this boat in half.” It’s a fine infomercial. Lot of laughs. Little more extreme than Ron Popeil.
I’ve always assumed it’s supposed to be. Same way on PC for me.
Beat me to it.
But apparently they are the same picture in March but not the same picture in February. Oh the humanity of it all! ROFL!