That sounds like work. Easier to just replace IMO.
When you play responsive a dirty bearing can be a feature, not a bug.
Well, you are using a yoyo and a string, only the string is not attached to the yoyo, you wind the string around the bearing(?), and throw it upward, and catch it on the string, and then do tricks from there.
Or in my case, fling it across the room and go pick it up, over and over again.
That’s why it’s called “The Whip” right? Because you’re meant to whip it into orbit learning off-string?
"so like you’re yo-yoing
but without the string
what the heck"
Stringless yo-yoing! this is the future of yo.
Then it’s time for guerilla-yoyoing.
Suddenly you need 20min at the printer? Guerillia-YoYoing.
The mirror in the bathroom has a crack now? Guerillia-Yoyoing.
You have a lot of overtime, but the dossier Greg told you about a week ago, is still unopened? Guerillia-Yoyoing.
It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime
What better place than here, what better time than now?
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Come back at me when ya get that “M-m-m-monster Kill”
Don’t @ me for anything less than a killtacular