FT/FS cerakote wizard & fat tire

If the pictures came out small folks, apologies.

So I got two up today.

A blue/black fade cerakote wizard. 90 obo

Blue fat tire 20/20 50 obo

Both are awesome throws. The cerakote is dead smooth, just really big in the hand. Id like to trade them, but I’m not in a hurry. I’ll sell them also.

Im not sure how the NMWTBS goes :smiling_face:
I’m the original owner of both of these, and both have been thrown less and 20 times tops. They’ve never left the house, and have no nicks or scuffs. Both boxes are still pretty crisp.

Wants, dreams, and aspirations:

Area 51 respawn
Deeper state
Luftverk Daytona :crossed_fingers:
RBC (prefer gold. anything other than orange, and the YYE edition)

Got cash on top of this for the right stuff. No worries! Happy holidays.

Harry sold separately.

Whoops. Forgot to add. Thrown them both under 20 times total. Definitely mint. No scuffs or marks as near as I can tell

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