FS/FT Cerakote OD - UV Pink Diorama - Daphne Blue Fat Tire 20/20

Thinking about selling or trading these two throws that don’t get a whole lot of love currently. I don’t have a history of selling to people on here or on the FB groups but can reference people I’ve bought from if you need it.

UV Pink Cerakote Diorama - $100
Doesn’t have box but is in super great condition

Daphne Blue Fat Tire 20/20 - $75
The cerakote on this one has been kind of temperamental and has lost some playing over carpet. I tried to do my best to catalog damage.

I’m open to the following trades (I know they’re kind of specific, sorry :sweat_smile:) and would be down to go 2 for one in your favor if you’ve got a heater.

Jake Bullock - Dunk rebound, slim dunk rebound, dink or slappa/slappass

OhYesYo - P Shift, NG 2, hexada, sk8r, witching hour, freq mod, eclipse. Also interested in Coffin’s artist editions of any throws and or throws painted by Coffin.


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