As the title says, it’s a two for one deal for a Freshly Dirty VHS, both throws mint, and I’ll throw in a YYF bearing tool too.
I have a vhs im not using
Send me your info in a pm and I’ll do my best to try and send it tomorrow if post offices are open!
I meant to pm you lol
The vhs is an amazing throw!! It’s in my top 10, maybe even top 5 this year. Definitely a top 5 organic for me this year
I am a organic fanatic, while the throws I got in the mysterbox are cool, a VHS has been on my wishlist so doing a two for one is just an easy way to get the stuff I want quickly.
lol I wanted to do this with the mystery bag too but knowing myself I would’ve just kept the throws and been in debt even tho I promised myself I wouldn’t lol
I think for me I’ve played enough different shapes that I know I’d much rather have an organic throw than the two I’ve got now, and while they might seem cool to try out, I already know I’m not a fan of the shapes, but yeah I get you.
If you haven’t seen it yet either. FD just came out with the Fluke which is a pretty fun organic as well.
Edit: Never mind, I don’t see it on their store anymore for some reason. But it’s worth a look into as well I think.
I do think I lean towards the VHS a little more, but it’s still an absolutely fantastic throw.
Omg! Tell me about it. Freshly dirty had two unique organics this year. And they’re both in my top 5! The fluke is absolutely amazing!!! I was gna write a whole post about it.
And to the OP yeah I’m with u 100% and fwiw I’d give up both of those yo-yos for the vhs as well. Def worth it in my opinion so good trade
oof, that’s nice looking, I think another one that’s been on my wishlist from FD has been the Cardboard Steamboat. That’s a classic that I really want one day too!