๐Ÿช€ FS: YYR Little Savage . RSO Burger ๐Ÿ” . Cerakote Deep State . RCS Busker . DD Assassin .๐Ÿ’ฅ AND MORE!

Trying really hard to pretend I didnโ€™t see that ti respawn. Hoping someone else scoops it up before next pay day or Iโ€™m gonna get in trouble lol


Ha ha, itโ€™s a great yo-yo! Only letting it go because itโ€™s a duplicate in my collection.


RBC is sold
Added Atmos Pomodoro
Cerakote Weekender is sold.
Price drops :v:

Thats a panorama not a diorama correct? Title said dio lol

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Ha ha, yes. :laughing: Fixed!

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Added new stuff.
Chief is sold.
Ti Respawn is sold.
Added some G2.
Pilgrim is sold.
Some price drops :v:

Added a bunch of new stuff :v:


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Jesus so many on here i want

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Im interested in the orchid but not the extra bearing kit.


Bathysphere, Orchid, Noah (celeste colorway), ZeRo, and Phoenix are sold.

Playmaxx Killer Bee and Recess Firecracker are sold.

Atmos Noah (Space Jam colorway) is sold.
Added a few new yo-yos and adjusted some prices.

Bathysphere and VHS are sold.
Added Polyform A4.

Updated prices and added Polyform A4.

Added Static Co. Sudo
Sudo is sold.

Added new stuff :v:

BC is sold :boom:

Grunt is sold.

Added Death Robot MG, DK, Noah.

Added Deep States :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

Duncan x Danny FH1 (2022) Is sold.

Added G2 Loadout. :yo-yo:


Added Hydrangea Magnolia, CLYW Ditch, and Spinworthy Survivalist.

G2 Loadout is sold.

OD Cerakote Diorama is sold :v:

Triptych is sold.

Added green UV cerkote wizard :yo-yo:

Added OD Parlay.

Parlay, Death Robot, and nickel Deep State sold.

Added Burger, Little Savage, Sudo, Busker, and Assassin.

Sudo is sold. :boom:

KNack and Survivalist are sold๐Ÿ‘Œ