FS: Yoyos! CLOSED. $225 raised for CHARITY! (Donation proof posted in comments). Thank you YYE community!

6078 Banshee has sold!

Total raised for City of Salem Animal Shelter so far: $77.50


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Valkyrie sold for $55

Total raised for City of Salem Animal Shelter so far: $105 :heart::heart::heart:

Bump for a good cause and an insane deal on a sweet titanium throw


Final push and price cut, lowered prices as much as I’m comfortable doing. I’d really like to sell at least one or two more yoyos to raise some money for the shelter. Thanks!

Total raised for Salem Animal Shelter so far: $105

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G2 GBP sold for $50

Total raised for Salem Animal Shelter: $130 :partying_face:

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Vosun and Toonie sold!

Going to stop selling, but leaving this thread open for now so I can post proof of donation. Thank you so much to everyone who purchased something!

Total raised for Salem Animal Shelter: $225 :star_struck::partying_face:


Together we raised $225 for the Salem Animal Shelter. It was enough to clear out a large chunk of the shelf at the pet store! Thank you so much YYE community for helping feed hungry shelter animals!


Such a great thing to do. Thank YOU!!!

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So if you are raising funds for the Salem animal shelter does that mean you live in the Roanoke area? Because I live in Roanoke. And if you live in Roanoke then I now know there’s another thrower in my town. :smiley:

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Hey Steve! I live in Elliston, so not far from you at all. I drive through Salem into your area all the time. I’m honestly shocked there’s another YYE forum member nearby. We definitely need to do a meet up.

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Oh it’s gonna happen. I’ve been trying to think of something else to say but it’s late and my mind just won’t come up with anything. But I certainly want to meet up. :rofl:

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I understand, I’m just laying down browsing before bed myself. I’m excited to meet another thrower in the area. I’ll be honest that I’m more of a collector than a trick player, but I love to talk and trade yoyos. Roanoke has a bunch of beautiful spots to meet at so I’m sure we can work something out sometime relatively soon.

Get some sleep and feel free to reach out here or by direct message whenever you have some time to chat!

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