✨ FS: Rainbow Galaxy G2 Arbiter X . G2 Herdsman . MK1 Dynames . Freshly Dirty Mod 44

Chunk and ti SEs are sold.
G2 Area 51 proto is sold.
Added some new stuff and updated prices
G2 SL1000 is sold.
DD Assassin V1 and Duncan Freehand are sold

Message sent on the MK1 RB. I’ll take it if available.

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Added a few new things.:yo-yo:

Are you open for trades? interested in the G2 Brass Herdsman

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Thanks for the interest - I’m not looking currently looking for trades. :v:
Updated prices.

Walter is sold. Updated prices.

Still interested in the brass Herdsman.

Will someone PLEASE buy this Wizard so I do not feel the wrath of my wife lmao


Just get something for her too! :wink::rofl:

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She actually did ask me to teach her how to bind yesterday! We are making an effort to spend better time together than just parenting and like… sleeping, so I’m gonna read some of her books, and she decided she would like to learn to YoYo! She was able to do a front bind on my Borealis II a few times after some practice, and is cleaning up her throw as well. She even pulled it out of the cabinet unprompted later!

… her favorite color is green, you know…

Edit: I mean uh…. Bump?


Sounds like we’ve got this figured out, no? :rofl:

Edit: I’m not gonna be held accountable for putting you in the dog house, discuss it with her. Though I’m sure you already knew that…


I wish my wife wanted to yoyo



Updated prices :ok_hand:

Don’t tempt me into buying this and sending it to you with a note on the box that says I @SlowThrow, bought this on my own free will and volition for the price of $79. Love Kyle PS don't tell my wife


Lmao I showed her a pic or it the other day and she basically hit me with the “dont you dare” and glared at my humble lil cabinet :laughing:


Brooooo, you’re not making this easy


Would you trade the Yoyorecreation FYFO?

Hey! These aren’t for trade, just for sale :+1:

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Dingo Gen 2 is sold
Nickel Gnome is sold.

Added a few things

SB-2 is sold. Updated post.

Interested in the orange gnome, not sure how to pm you tho

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Tap their name and then a box pops up and you can click message

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