FS one drop, clyw, Duncan etc

For sale is a bundle of throws that don’t get the time they deserve
All prices in dollars

44 rpm rhythm and blues both mint -25 each

Duncan mongu barracuda jr mint 20 dollars

Duncan barracuda mint 20 dollars

Doc pop silicones by the man himself, few scuffs sold

Duncan raptor rare olive green few marks on dent sold

Clyw yeti 2 missing its stickers but otherwise mint 10

Adegle pink PSG yoyo mint 10

Recess first base mint 15 sold

One drop rebirth with brass spikes some wear no major dings smooth - sold



If I remember correctly, that’s an Adegle PSG. Just for info’s sake. :+1:t2:


That’s the one!

Updated with individual prices!


which one is the purple one?

Recess first base


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