FS: Mint YYF G-Funk, Higby 720 Pair, Big Yo, Bunch of String, Speed Cubes

All prices are negotiable! I need cash everything must go!
Add $5 for shipping.

Mint YYF G-Funk - $45

Big Yo, normal 4a wear, in great condition - $8

Higby 720s, Mint as far as I can tell - $20

100% Poly string in various colors, probably 100+ strings - $8

Speed Cubes:

LanLan (I Think) 2x2, one black one white - $3 each
White DaYan GuHong (3x3) - $5
Stickerless DaYan Zanchi (colored 3x3) - $5
White QJ 4x4 - $5
Black ShengShau 5x5 - $7
QJ Mini 3x3 - $3
Colored Mirror Cube - $5
Rubiks 3x3 - free if you buy something else
QJ Megaminx (awesome) - $5
Cube4You 3x3x4 (unassembled) - $5

Feel free to make offers, thanks.

Is the guhong v1 or v2?