FS G2 Valhalla & Luna, YYFr Paragraph - From EU

So, this month I went overboard with my yoyo shopping, pretty sure I’m not the first one who ever did that……:grimacing:

What better chance to start my BST career, if not by trying to get back on budget?

This means I have 2 G2 bimetals (that have been only vibe tested) up for grabs, as well as an acid wash Paragraph, this one had less than 15 minutes playing time and it’s the smoothest throw I’ve ever owned.

I’m trying to minimise my loss here as these are all mint, and shipping this side of the pond can get pricey :sob:

I was a bit sad to let these killer throws go, so i decided to celebrate them with a photoshoot treatment.

The important stuff, I’m UK based, but happy to post worldwide as long as the buyer cover the costs.
I’m cool with both F&F and G&S, just add the fees if the latter.

As I mentioned, this is my first time selling on the BST, my feedback thread is just for one transaction in which I was the buyer :sweat_smile: but here it is, and hopefully I’ll get some good feedback as a seller too soon :wink:
PeterVenkman Feedback

G2 Valhalla cans Storm MTBS SOLD

G2 Luna BAP Rainbow Rings MTBS WAS $95 NOW $85

This has been purchased as an a-grade, but upon inspection I found 2 tiny marks in the iridescent rings. I brought this up to Jake and he confirmed this is not a reason valid to downgrade to glitch status.
They are indeed very small, and had to go full macro to make sure to show them clearly.

YoyoFriends Paragraph Acid Wash MTBS WAS $33 NOW $30


Dope photos. We’ll done


Thanks man, it’s sad to let these go!


Wow. These photos are for a BST ad!?! :exploding_head:

As always @PeterVenkman Well done! :camera_flash:


Hahaha you are too kind man!
They are awesome throws, on top of that they are visually gorgeous.
Letting them go so soon didn’t feel right, so I had to make it up in some way :joy:

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Valhalla sold.

I am also open to trades, looking at you MCMO :star_struck:

Bump bump bump

Lower prices bump :chart_with_downwards_trend::exploding_head:

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