FS G2 Life, Reaper, Pelican, A-rt Grail

Selling some yoyos to raise funds for my son’s summer marching band tour… I figure I can help off set my contribution by letting go of some beauties that don’t see much play time. Thanks for checking this listing out :wink:

Berries and Cream Life - Mint - $124 SOLD
Berries and Cream Reaper - Mint - $120
Grail - Mint - $120 SOLD
Patreon Pelican - Mint - $80 SOLD

All prices include shipping in the continental US…
Please add fees if using G/S


Are you kidding me A?.. the BAC Life…?
CAR Grail…too? Why??? I’m so not ready for this man…

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Just stuff I don’t use Rock!!! Feel free to pick something up… text me for the buddy price :wink:

sure would like that grail… so perrty


Yea and that Reaper is high tier in my book.


best reaper color IMO good luck with the sale!

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