FS/FT: sili highwall FHZ // LF: Protostar, cash, slick 6 or 8


To offer, I have a mint red body, blue capped FHZ. It is highwalled and dual siliconed. One cap is cracked, but I will include an identical cap that is not crackedt. Extremely tight binds and nearly dead smooth to the touch.

[s]SPYY Punchline for $65 SHIPPED
I am totally not feeling the Punchline. As much as I loved it, I can’t play with metals. They are disgusting to me. I want a blue Protostar (plus cash), or cash towards a blue Protostar lol. There are light scratches around the rim, scuffs, and a few dings. Plays and grinds buttery smooth.
(Crappy cell pics; real pics can come soon if this isn’t bought soon)
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs435.ash1/24040_387785302065_728732065_4357517_7867701_n.jpg[/s] OMG GAWN

I really need Slick 6 or Slick 8 string, and I have WAY TOO MANY Yellow Highlights and White Poly, so…
I’ll trade 50 highlights or 50 white poly for a fair amount of Slick 6 or Slick 8 string

What kind of mod did you do on the raiders???

Raiders have a mod that make them loop better and the mod is pretty much universal. Since you asked, that’s probably about all I need to tell you because the details would be confusing. Otherwise, now they loop perfectly.