FS/FT: OD Cascade + SPYY El Ranchero LF: Draupnir/Sleipnir

Selling a pair of throws
Add on $5 for shipping.
Paypal only. Send as gift or add 4%.

Buy both and I’ll throw in my YFF Delrin Severe.

YYR Draupnir
YRR Sleipnir

----Cascade (Dietz edition), w/ Black Spikes ($75 OBO)----
In great condition. One black scratch. Not able to feel it by touch. Comes w/ Box and 5 Strings.

----Antique Bronze El Rachero ($75 OBO)----
In great condition. Small markings on the inside edge of the pads from pliers (to take out the bearings). Doesn’t affect the spin. Comes w/Box and 5 Strings.