FS-FT B!ST custom Berserk LCY3

Hi, i’m selling-trading a customized Miura’s Berserk-inspired B!ST Lc3 ( http://www.yoyostorerewind.com/en/yo-yo-museum/europe/bist/lcy3.html ). It has a Bist v-cave Dsize in it (5mm large, 9 balls) ( http://www.yoyostorerewind.com/en/yo-yo-museum/europe/bist/bist-v-cave-bearing.html ) plus its original D size bearing.
On one cup it has a painting representing the cover of the number 28 of the manga.
Anyway for a problem during anodization it’s no more playable (became too light making it wobble), but it will look good on a shelf as collector piece.
It has its original box. Yoyo for the comparison is a OD bench H (old).
Listening to offers on PM





Shipping from Milan, ITALY.