FS/FT: 401SD ($28), Orange New Breed ($18); LF: KKs, 10ball, Fiesta, Loop900s


Little to no vibe. Damage shown in pictures. Unresponsive w/ shaved starbursts to accommodate stickers. $28 shipped

New Breed
Little to no vibe. Rims need a polish. Pinpricks all around. $18 shipped

Looking for
-A couple KKs for New Breed
-A couple 10balls for New Breed
-Fiesta for New Breed
-Loop900s for 401SD… Or 401SD+New Breed. We’ll negotiate. They MUST BE WORKING. The KEYS or the KEYHOLES must NOT be stripped!
-Offer! Will combine both for stuff!

Not looking for
-Northstars, Protostars, any kind of stars
-YYF Plastics in general

does it have solid spin axel and i will trade pgm2 and completly unresponsive maverick satined

he said no YYF

i didnt see that