*Freehand Appreciation Thread*

Modfather/Higby collab.


Here are a few of mine. The blue Higby one has been modded for large bearing Born Crucial spacers, the translucent green one with Higby painted caps has been modded for a small bearing Born Crucial spacer. The Extreme Spin one has been silicone recessed, and is actually my personal favorite. The MG is powdercoated. The Freehand 2 is modded for Buzzon SPRs, same with the Skull one. The Independent is my personal creation, and is a 7075 version of the FHZ. The shape isn’t 100% on point but the feel of the throw is all there and I actually really like the slightly less rounded shape. Something got corrupted in the CAD file and the machine shop had to redraw a part of the profile. Ironically I feel it is actually closer to the original Metal Freehand in shape. I wonder how the Freehand One Al plays in comparison. If anyone has both let me know please! The last one there is from Steve Brown’s website, he has a bunch of stock FHZs for cheap. Just modded this one for a silicone recess.


Super necro. With how insane the YYN thread was and there now being the FH One remake along with numerous aluminum versions, TI, Polycarb and Delrin, it feels like a crime to see this thread down in 2021. Especially because I know there’s still a ton of love out there for this throw in so many variations. I’ve owned a decent amount of cool ones that I barely played from back when I was a collector (hoarder), but this is what I have left:

Top to bottom, left to right:

  1. My OG FH1. Quit yoyo after the big boom in the late 90s and this is the yoyo that pulled me back in. Literally the only yoyo I purchased from 2002-2008.

  2. A FHZ I dyed. I had no idea how to dye yoyos but I was going for “burnt wood” so I’d say it came out decent. Never dyed another yoyo after despite owning numerous white 2010 FH2s that I intended to dye eventually.

  3. A stock 2010 FH2. These came out shortly after I got my dog as a puppy. He put a couple tiny dents in it chewing it but it still plays fine. He’s super old now and it’s a cute reminder of when he was tiny.

  4. A stock new FH One that I sandpapered most of the lettering on the cap off of. Got it for like 10 bucks a few weeks ago on a BST and it’s what I’ve been throwing most of the time because I’m having more fun with it than my fancy yoyos that I’ve been selling off. Feels good to have that FH1 feeling without worrying I might break the one I’ve had forever.

  5. Cyclontzy or whatever his name was (sorry dude) dyed and modded 2010 FH2 that were sold on YYN or here back in the day. Of the 4 colors that were available, I eventually sold/traded all but this blue one. Plays like a beast.


I think this thread should go into a running for being the MOST necro’d thread on the site. :thinking:


Purchased some clear and white FH Ones to send off for modding and later paint/dye that I look forward to sharing eventually. Notably added this one to the family recently as well. FH One AL with caps swapped for plastic ones. Strongly recommend any Freehand enthusiast get their hands on one of these.