Frederick County Maryland Club?

Alright, Well, It’s Just Me And My Girlfriend Now xD Should We Move It?

Alright. Here Is My Number: 240-285-6560 And My Name Is Andrew. Text Me, Cause It’s Hard To Do This On My Phone :stuck_out_tongue: That And You Can Always Reach Me On That number

Yeah I think that would be the best for every body in one case or another.

Alright, so its canceled today


But Fredrick County YoyoClub Shall Happen!

Sorry dude :confused: Nobody can make it. Lets reschedule right now. When is everybody free next? The 15th and 16th im booked, but that doesnt mean you guys cant go and have fun

I know, I meant on the next scheduled time XD

but yeah, not sure yet. I’ll have to discuss it again with my folks

Yeah… The 16th and 15th my brother has shotgun practice so that means I can’t go because my brothers shooting sports are so to say more important than everyone else’s plans. And that 23rd I have plans cause It’s the day after my birthday so that means I will be in party all night hangover ( I’m having a bonfire for my birthday! What fun!) so yeah. That means I will be practically booked for the rest of the month. Oh well. I can try and make time though.

It’d be cold, so we’d have to be inside, but we can plan further down the road (late November-December)

Ill look around for where we can go during the winter. Ill keep you all posted

Maybe since it’s the winter months we should fine somewhere indoors like a library per say? Or community center?

Yeah that sounds good. I’ll see if we can get permission to throw in the Frederick Library.

I’m hitting this thread because I’d like to try and make a meet or two if I can, (I live in Smithsburg) and I’m an old fart too . .really old! But I do like to throw and learn tricks! Though a satellite member of the rocking CYYC (aka nova throwers), Fredneck is way closer for me!! I will check this thread to see how it all shakes down . .well met everyone!

Awesome! Another attendant! As you can see, we’re mid-planning, so I you have a day that’d work best for you, feel free to being it up!

That sure would be convienient Shadix!

I’m a musician Legyoyo so I’m available more than I’d like, except weekends I tend to be working. . .but if it’s daytime I might be able to do it it if I’m gigging locally. :slight_smile:

Awesome! Also, I might have a place, but we will also have to work with their schedule as well. But ill keep you all in the loop!!!

sweet lets find a date! so we all can meet if its possible i think the weekends should be good. If we do it midday like we start sometime around 11am i think we should be a okay!

Shadix didja find out about the Public Library thing yet?

Sorry, no i havent. Ive been busy with schoolwork lately and ive got some big tests coming up. Ill give them a call now if theyre open

Just got off the phone with the Frederick library. Would we want to rent a room?? And if so, I need to know how many people are going to attend. And depending on that number will determine whether its at Frederick, or Urbana. Here are the rooms we can rent around the county:

We also need to plan the next date. I will be leaving to Boston the 20th and will be back in January (2nd or 3rd I think). I dont have to be there