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Looking for a yyr sleipnir, blue colorway preferred but at long as its nm or mint I won’t mind too much.

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Bump! To the top I go!

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Good luck!! I been wanting a raw one bad.

I have 2 Sleipnirs from 2009. Both are in excellent visual condition.

Both have a small amount of vibe, which was not unusual in 2009.

….Realize that I started lacing my own Motorcycle wheels over 50 years ago. I started doing my own because I wanted to achieve the smoothest possible results.

I have a very good handle on what vibe is and where I find it.

I can drive by a Picnic and point out the nervous flies🙀

I have never(in 24 years) heard a single higher level player say that a little vibe in a yo-yo kept him from getting better.

It took me awhile to relax and not be preoccupied with ‘everything has to be Totally vibe free or it is no fun’.

Have known instances where 10 people I know have gotten a certain yo-yo and every one of them says it is smooth as glass…. So, I get one and it’s ‘the funny one’. I get the one that somehow snuck through QC and made it to me.

Once I slightly lowered my expectations, my stress decreased and my enthusiasm increased.

Anyway, I just shared this with you guys so you would know my view on vibe.

Both my Sleipnirs have ‘that little vibe going on’. But they are seriously nice playing yo-yos.

If either or both of you guys can’t get a Sleipnir in the next week or whatever, let me know and maybe we can make a deal.

They are both clear. (natural metal color)


Appreciate this thank you!


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To the top!

You may have seen this already but there is a blue and a raw onw on right now. They both appear to be completely mint. The price to me seems absurd, but I have no idea how rare these are. Worth a look.


I’ve seen them, yeah the price to me is just completely unjustifiable. Over double what they normally go for. I might bite on them if nothing shows up in a while.


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