For everyone that got a pair of TORX

Hey Guys,

Just wanted to let everyone that got a pair of TORX SideEffects at PNWR this year that the official weight of a pair is 2.8 grams. Also remember to be careful with them as they are not anodized, and the pretty design in the side is AESTHETICS only! Please don’t try to fit something in there you can potentially ruin them.

Other than those few things i hope you all enjoy them and if you have any problems feel free to contact me directly and we can work something out.

That all for now
Josh Hendrickson

Those are sweet! Did David say when he plans to release them?

Looks nice. Point me in the direction to get some.

They are very good side effects. I’ve been playing them in my Victory lately and have been satisfied. Great Job!

Wow, where were they sold and for how much? I didn’t see them selling SE.

Those look awesome! What size Torx head are they? I have a set of some, I wonder if they’ll fit lol.