Alrighty yall! Im throwing in the towel on this one. havent had much time to practice this one cause of the holiday and work and what not. I started practicing a couple hours ago on a bearing yoyo cause I never cared to learn spirit bomb so I had to learn that first lol. Now that I can do it on the bearing yoyo here I am trying to land it on the fixed and its just too tough. For me this is just one of those “lucky hit” tricks and theres no way ill land it in time for the deadline! Thanks for the fun and frustrating moments! Good luck to the rest!

Don’t give up, everyone! :slight_smile:

^ i gave up

I guess that’s it. I literally woke up all night (it’s 6:42 here) having all the faith to hit this one trick… just once. It started from unable to do the first pop to almost do the loop, and I’m pretty proud of myself that I don’t give up early.
Mad props to everyone who goes to the next round.

Push on till the very end! ;D
Think of it as like a 5k, where you’re on your 2nd mile and it starts pouring rain. You gotta push through (happened to me, lol!).
At least you won’t get tired that much!

Nyepa is thinking of it as safely watching the 5k from a distance.

I started the 5k race thinking that this was a fantastic idea and that I would get in shape. one lap in and im starting to regret the decision of signing up.

Nothing feels worse at the time than “hitting the wall” when running.

So Round 6 is no more…

And man, it was more of a dagger than I anticipated. Personally, I find a lot of our post-modern flippy stuff to be a bit tougher than Spirit Bomb. But I admit I did a lot of fixed 1a before I even really learned to stall. In any case, there’s definitely no shame in bowing out on this trick, and 5 of our number were able to slay it and move on.

Congrats, Someone, Adam Brewster, Logi, berto, and yooldman!

Anyway, speaking of post-modern flippy stuff, Round 7 shall present itself in just a bit…

Kyle is no more?
:o :cry:

I’m super bummed about not moving on to the next round.  I guess I’m going to have to use my 20% off coupon to get a fidalgo.  Congrats to all the guys that are moving on you guys have put up on heck of a fight.  Here is my not round 6 video and at some point I will join the nojive spirit bomb club and I’ll be able to hang with Danny once again.


It is a bummer more did not make it, BUT:

Someone, Adam Brewster, Logi, berto, and yooldman!

I am rooting for all of you. Make the fixedaxlemisfits proud.

Wrong thread lol