Fix "post body too similar" for PMs?

I apologize if this has already been brought up, but is there a way to remove the “similar post body” restriction from PMs? In my specific circumstance, I tend to ship multiple packages out on the same day, and send a quick update to the buyer that I have shipped their package. I will just copy and paste the same text and send it to all the buyers, but that triggers the post body warning and forces me to change the text. It’s a small inconvenience, I know, but I figured I would ask anyways.

I guess it might be a way to prevent spammers or bots from pushing out mass messages, but is there a way to increase the threshold from one similar post, to like 5?



Not at the moment – I suggest adding the name to the package at the top, so paste, then edit the top and type in the name of the person you mailed it to? Surely all these packages aren’t addressed to the same person, or the same address… right? :wink:

And if you’re pasting shipping numbers, those would also be different per package?


Adding a name could work.

As for tracking numbers, I generate one right after the sale, so those have been provided to the buyers already.