Favourite yoyo

I have different favorites for different things - so it’s hard to answer this - but my longest run of EDC to date has to be the SHFX.

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Kim 23 price/performance ratio is crazy

damn near impossible to answer but if i had to choose one it would probably be the crosscut

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I swap out yoyos like crazy, so the answer to this changes like the wind. Right now it’s the DD Emotion for performance and Onedrop M2 for just goofing off


Current non-Draupnir favorite: Yoyorecreation Liminal Autoscopy

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Wildless, speedaholic fx, c3 laevateinn, yoyofriends shortcut, protostar, or Duncan crescendo are my favorites rn

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Why list one favourite when you can list multiple (no, I have no self-restraint :stuck_out_tongue:):
Favourite overall - UNPRLD TiSS Distortion
Favourite tri-material - YYR Toru 0.999
Favourite Al bimetal - Toss up between YYR Upheaval and C3xW1LD Dino in the Wild
Favourite Ti mono - LFVK Exos
Favourite Al mono - CLYW Scout


I’m a simple man, I see art of anime girl, therefore the mercy 6…
Is what I’d say if it wasn’t so sharp it literally cut me before :skull:. Hopefully mercy 8 fixes that

Emotion at the moment, but that may change, I have a Connection and Monarch incoming

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This is a tough question (always is). I love Emotion, too, but then there’s the Pano/Dio pair, the iQ, the Bathysphere and recently the Rainier. These have all spent time as my only throw for weeks, but if I could only have one, it would be the Top Deck. iQ used to be my favorite for the longest time, and it even took a while for me to jive with the TD, but it has the power and stability to let me blast through a combo or take my time to learn something new. It was also the throw that made me realize that I actually like a little bit heavier. Most of my SE ODs now have brass SEs because of the TD.

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Still Hinemosu & ASTer from TP

Right now its between these two:

  • one drop reboot;
  • atmos noma.

None. If I use just one yoyo for a long time I end up getting bored of it no matter how good it seems to me. I need to change yoyos to appreciate and enjoy their differences.