Favorite yoyo trick trend

I’m just being a debbie downer and a old foogie though, haha. I don’t play 1a but I HAVE to pay attention to specific innovation due to being part of the innovator circle for the award process. I watch A LOT of trick circles and videos.

Some trends I’ve understood, some I shake my head at… Examples:

-Polo’s slap-slack into whatever kink mount (GT, Tower)…that ish is difficult! Quite innovative.

-The behind the back of head concept. Keiran is known for this.

-Zach Gormly’s Tension hook- It was first pretty nifty honestly, and some of the variations that followed were cool. But now they are over-done to such extreme’s that I want to puke.

-Finger spins and tornado binds. The fingerspin trend is pretty much over with in my opinion, but tornado binds are forever.

@JWaugh Moebius was never a trend hahaha :wink: I mean…would be kinda…nice… shifty eyes


I wish it were though…

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I really like moebius as a style too, but I haven’t tried to get into it myself very much. I can’t seem to open up the slip knot very gracefully to get started and throwing with the string around more than one finger feels very awkward to me. I feel like the yoyo is just going to slip off of my fingers and go break something. No doubt it’s just a matter of time and practice, though, which I know I don’t do as much of as most of the folks on here. Oh well; all in good time!

Probably my favorite trick trend was the thumb, hand, and arm grinds. Today some of those tricks are normal staples of the yoyo world and may not qualify as a “trend” per se, but things like the inner ring groove for thumb grinding have been replaced with hubstacks and finger spin cups.