Favorite Response Type...?

Sanding em down works to get rid of that “New O-ring snag”…I think so, at least.

i like the cbc thin yellow pad. they dont last the longest, but they give nice tight kinds. plus theyre yellllloooowww!


i would say the only response that would keep me from a purchasing a yoyo is if it is Starburst.

you said it bro… i hate it (except for loopers and novelty yoyos)! im not too fond of duncan friction stickers (the rubber coated ones, the silicone ones are fine)


whatever response the illy’s use

I somehow liked starburst, they last nearly as long as the yoyo, but since making starburst in aluminum is not cost wise, I usually go for anything that can be resiliconed. I think pretty much everything with pads can be resili-ed, even if it’s not deep. Some brands of sealant can be really sticky that you can’t actually peel it out, that’s about the best silicone response ever. I’ve never bought any pads yet…

I somehow liked starburst, they last nearly as long as the yoyo, but since making starburst in aluminum is not cost wise, I usually go for anything that can be resiliconed. I think pretty much everything with pads can be resili-ed, even if it’s not deep. Some brands of sealant can be really sticky that you can’t actually peel it out, that’s about the best silicone response ever. I’ve never bought any pads yet…

I always wondered if you could successfully silicone something meant for pads. Seems it works well for you. Very interesting.

I used glass sealant, somehow I managed to use it in Phenomizm, aoda hill river, dv888, etc with no real problem. Not sure if these grooves are actually too shallow for most people, I never bought any response pads in my life.

I still buy YoYos with a starburst response. Especially with some looping YoYos. I did however just purchase that new butterfly LT Duncan just came out with and it has a starburst response. I’m very well pleased and a little shocked with how well this YoYo works. It won’t do a whole lot of string wraps because of the starburst but it also can handle some advanced tricks to. I did a ladder escape with it. It’s like the gap is just wide enough that you can still tug it back up but also do some cool stuff with it as well, not just beginners tricks. This YoYo definitely shows that If the starburst is done right, it can make a lot of difference. You should definitely get one and try it since they are so cheap. Might change your mind.

I’m going to give that Duncan LT a try Ghost…I’m with you, I still have some faith in that starburst response. I guess the beauty of it is having all the different types. Very interesting to hear the preferences people have though. Seems like there’s something for everyone.

when i get the money im going to buy an adjust o matic

i really dont care as long as it’s not hybrid response

flowable please all day errrry day

When I look at a yoyo I look at specs not response. There’s so many options to use when the stock response wears out or its not doing the justice. It doesn’t factor when buying a yoyo. My personal preferences happen to be flowable or stock pads. I’m actually going to try out IrPads soon I’ve heard great things about them.

It seems for most of you guys it is not a determining factor, merely a preference, not a deal breaker for making the purchase.  When I read the comment about the adjust-o-matic, I unscrewed mine and yes…starburst response in there.  YYE customer service highly recommended that yo-yo to me a while back, as a nice but underrated throw, and I bought it…it’s a nice throw indeed.


Where on earth do you get replacement pads for that?

None needed for that one…it has what’s called an adjustable starburst response.  It can be adjusted to be more or less responsive as suited to your preference.