I realized that this is not the best post. It really is not that good. If somebody is on people
's lists a lot, it may make others (who are not on the list at all) feel very neglected. I am just saying that this really may start anger problems on the forums.
Dude, this is just for fun. If anyone gets offended, that is their problem. If they want to change or something to be more “likable”, then they can. But who cares if people don’t like you for who you are?
Dude, are you serious? I have been on here for over three months and I would be highly surprised if somebody were to put me on their list.
You have been on here for less than a month and you don’t even have 200 posts, and you are wondering why somebody hasn’t put you on their list? (crococorey’s doesn’t count, LOL)
Whooo cares !?!?! Lmao calm down y’all. There’s gonna be a "On Nobody’s List " list popping up. It’s all in good fun. I hope a war doesn’t begin between the “list” &“non-list”
I’d rather start a Peak owner, lives in Southeastern USA, who is over 20, under 30 years old, has two kids, is going to Disney World, believes in Karma, reads the Bible, is an alcoholic and no-lister’s club.
Honestly the moderators of the forum get my top spots these guys (and gals if there are any lady mods) take time from theirs lives to keep our forum running smoothly and keep spammers out and all doing an awesome job, do so free of charge and generally without thanks.
So to the mods you have my debt of gratitude and a heaping like of thank yous I am grateful that you guys are here and do such a great job!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
And thank you to André for making this all possible without the awesome store there wouldn’t be a forum and if there weren’t a forum there’d be no mods and no need for me to be here and I’d not have become a yoyo addict :).
Haven’t read any of this thread, but I’m just going to make a list of my favorite people on the forums. I really love everyone here (with the exception of a few ;)); there are too many to list. Just a few that stick out to me.
Trace: Hasn’t posted a lot lately, but back in the day, he was the best. MiamiBuddah: Nick is an awesome, funny, and helpful guy. Yoyo143: Has matured a lot over the past few months, and has gained my respect. Plus, we both like Big Bang Theory! TotalArtist: Too many reasons to list! RobK: Very generous, and makes insightful remarks. Hard to believe he’s only been at this for a few months! kclejeune: Really amazing yoyoing skills, helpful, and knowledgeable. Plus, his typos are funny. slowyojoe: Very courteous, polite, and has an awesome collection! Oh yeah, he’s British! Jayyo (Still am not used to calling him HaruRay!): Enough said. Snafu: Awesome guy, and GREAT photographer! SR: Gets to the point, and is very helpful. G2 Jake: I liked him more when he was “capt Anxiety”, but he still rocks! ~Z: It’s Zammy! Steve Brown: It’s Steve Brown! Saintrobyn: Awesome reviews, lots of knowledge. Dirty Bird: The genius from the OneDrop forums. jhb: Great guy all around. CarlG: I miss him. Funny guy! The Bronies: A lot of them don’t post anymore, and their fandom was a bit odd to me, but they were awesome nonetheless Patcondon Slade Riggs aznboyaZ Kyo Legyoyo Yoyospirit GregP! yomagic LinksLegionaire mgirioux77