RootBEAR* float…
It’s the hardcore version of whatever you said…
Don’t go all grammar Nazi with that punctuation.
Water and coffee not necessarily in that order.
- Water
- Coffee - freshly ground - pour over
- Tea (iced in summer, hot in winter)
- Chocolate milk
I don’t really care for the sugar when I’m drinking 10+ of something or even more than 1 serving of anything
Don’t know about other diet sodas, but I think Diet A&W Rootbeer tastes better than the nondiet version. by MBsShots, on Flickr
La Pavoni, Pharos, Ambrosia beans 5-6 days post roast. Mmmmm!
Black coffee, sparkling water, beer (IPA preferred)
Ever look at the calories and sugar in alcohol?
Calories are no problem, I could have 6000 calories a day and not gain weight. Mainly concerned about my teeth, and pop is incredibly rough on the teeth
I like a good coffee or oj, but while working I prefer gatoriade. And drink wise, I Like a good kaluha (I think that’s the spelling) or moonshine or bourbon.
Jeez this is a really tough one. I guess it depends. Diet Mountain Dew ( I stopped drinking it tho). Or I do like grenadine and sprite but I never have those.
Guess it breaks down to coffee, I like it black, iced, cream, extra espresso, really any way it comes. Yes definitely coffee would have to be my favorite. Right now I’m on a hot black coffee kick, just getting off an iced coffee with French vanilla creamer phase.
Yeah Diet soda isn’t healthy for you at all. regular soda is probably better for you and no soda is the best.