Favorite colorway of all time!

I second this!

I gotta say hulk smash, the green with purple splash tho, not vice versa.

Favorite Colourway? The Slaughterhouse Code1. That was likeā€¦seriously boss.

Any yoyo that use black with a hot purple/pink splash. hella yes.


VSNYYC B-virus
Jason Wong 20k leagues

Palli Puffin

Iron man

So many CLYWā€™s. Ouch. I wonder if my Notfailanodizing Hatrick counts.
That, and Playmaxx Turbo Bumblebee GT! HAH! Plastic can be good too!

What does that mean? Its not like that colorway was promoting aids, it was helping to lessen its impact via donations. Helping people turns you off apparently.

clear ano.

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Space Haze

well this thread was originally a favourite clyw colourway. :stuck_out_tongue:

that said, I really love sahara sunrise. Also werrdā€™s gold colour is so simple, yet so amazing.

Anything nickle plated.

the most beautiful ano Iā€™ve EVER seen was the Steamroller team edition under orange street lights, depending on how you look at it, it can go all the way from plain sky blue to vibrant red, candy pink to deep purple

if you can find one, get it

I like the onedrop thunderstorm. Pretty nice.

I love Yoyos with clear splash. Like the final run Kaluzsa (spelling?) Peak. Simple, yet elegant.

Blue/Black BA Hattrick with the skull on the black side. I donā€™t know how many of these were made, but I have one, they look so sick.

Nickel plated things look cool, and the thunder cafe racer is absolutely sick

Acid wash with speckles.

bapezilla, by anti-yo. only yo yo iā€™ve ever purchased purely on aesthetic valueā€¦

