Fantasy Yoyo League - Finalized (Registration Closed)

Hey, great. Two more people to add in. Thanks for participating.

I’m in

Count me in Zorro

Great, two more.

P.S. Mr.Weirdhobbies, I am spelling your name like that because I will never remember which ones to capitalize and whatnot. :smiley:

ok haha. I think I’m going to have it changed to something easier to remember haha

OH States
PA States
IL States

I want innnnn.

Add the Mid-East Regional Yo-Yo contest too. lol I have an advantage cause I basically know who’s gonna win every time.

Texas yoyo compitition lol Im the only one competing :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome. And I have no clue is going to win.

hey, if u dont mind, I’ll join

I don’t mind at all. Welcome.

Could you add BLC? Its a semi big contest around where i am.

cmon guys!

I’m sorry, but could you spell it out? I’ll add it.

Add Minnesota states and Midwest regionals.

Bill Liebowitz Classic or also known as southwest regional yoyo contest.

I’m in.

Goody, goody.

I guess i’ll do it.

Goody, good number two