Fallen44 Fixed-Axles at YoYoExpert!

Fallen44 is a yo-yo company run by Kevin Markie. Kevin is a woodworker and yo-yo enthusiast making some fantastic wooden yo-yos and skill toys. This is his first release here at YoYoExpert - The fixed-axle Sixth Sense!

The idea behind Fallen44 was to create a horror themed yoyo company for those tattooed crazy people like Kevin who love the horror movie culture and yo-yos! These Redrum edition Sixth Sense fixes really take that horror theme to the next level; Hand-made from red/black spectra ply with a grunge style unfinished look, these are the perfect fusion of horror movie and yo-yo!

The Sixth Sense has a comfortable light weight with a nice high wall for easy stalls. It uses the Fallen44 vortex resopnse system, which is spiral cuts around the wooden axle that offer the perfect level of responsiveness.


These are non take-apart, correct?


Well ya can take them apart… putting them back together is a whole different story!

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Need to keep yourself a pick in your pocket for those axle knots

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