Fall Sale 2010


You are a young player with limited pocket money, but the ambition to play with the best gear.
You have always fancied a proper HSPIN yoyo, but your girlfriend always thought you were nuts spending more than USD 40 for a … yoyo!
You have been trying to convince your dad to buy one of those top definition yoyos, but so far the price tag was outside the budget.

Here is your chance. We are reducing the cost of our yoyos substantially to make room for new projects (*).

Those prices will be available through your favorite retailer as well.

Happy top definition yoyoing!


(*) Those new projects will “unfortunatly” be very limited in quantity, Swiss made and above $100.

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cute !

I got to go to swiss and see you guys sometime

any idea when this price drop will take place?

It’s already in effect on HSpin’s website only, it seems like. S&H killed the deal for me though.


Haha!.. My friend is going to regret this… He just bought a hundred dollar H-spin yoyo… and This news just arrived!!!
