Fake phaser and fakenir exposed. Me being the victim

:slightly_smiling_face: kk :man_shrugging:

So I’ve been thinking if I really want to post this but just feel bad for the dude who got the green draupnir. And don’t want it to be sold as “genuine ” any more

:arrow_down:This is a real emerald Draupnir (from DRAUPNIR YYA EXCLUSIVE - YoYoAddict / ヨーヨー ストア "ヨーヨーアディクト"):

:arrow_down: And this is a bootleg Draupnir:

:arrow_down: This, is the pic for the Draupnir sold in FS/FT: closed

:arrow_down: And these, are photos I stole from a review of the bootleg Draupnir sold on T**Bao:

no intention to post the link of the review. But please note that it’s posted on 04/05/2021.

So, judge for yourself.

I have no right to blame people who got a knockoff. But please, don’t sell them as “genuine”

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