
i can eat a ton of pizza rolls! idk why but i think they are delecious! :smiley:

That is what i think too. I think it is because my mom always drank diet coke and i use to always ask to dink some, i grew accustomed to drinking it. Regular coco-cola taste too sweet and has a different flavor so i don’t like it.

since i don’t want this thread to die I will give it virtual mouth to mouth.

EDIt: I realized my laptop doesnt have a mouth

All i ate today is soda, brownies and a can of meatball spagehttios

I just had popcorn. :smiley:

How much butta?

Not that again.

Please not that again.

I like chocolate covered granola bars.

I wish I knew what you are talking about

in one thread josh and other people kept posting pictures of butter and going BUTTTTTAAAAHHHHH

There was more like three threads… Most were spontaneous…

its all about the buttah brotha