Exciting Books

oh yeah i forgot this year im reading animal farm and lord of the flies!!!

Ok I’ve got a lot of suggestions XD

The Discworld series by Terry Pratchett is absolutely AMAZING! It’s not everybody’s thing, but most likely you’d enjoy it. It’s generally fantasy, but it’s really quite hard to force into a genre.

If you like interesting old fashioned fantasy and science then I highly suggest “the big three”. H. P. Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, and Robert E. Howard. These guys were amazing and prolific short story writers who primarily wrote for Weird Tales. Most Lovecraft and Smith’s work is horror, and it’s some of the best that I’ve ever read. There are 2 things I’ll warn you about them though. Lovecraft and Smith use a lot of “big” words, so you may want a dictionary handy if you find yourself stumbling over many of the words. The other thing I’ll warn you about is Lovecraft was a bit of a racist jerk and occasionally that comes through in his writing. It’s usually not too bad and I try to ignore it, but there it is…

If you like thoughtful Science Fiction, Orson Scott Card is absolutely amazing. Most people would suggest his Ender’s Game series, which is amazing, but I would first suggest reading some of his short stories and Wyrms.

If you’re looking for a totally different way to read something I would suggest Gamebooks. Gamebooks are a very interesting style of book where you are the main character. About every page (sometimes more, sometimes less) you are given a choice. Depending on what choice you make you go to a different page. This allows many stories to all be in the same book. My favorite Gamebooks are the Choose Your Own Adventure series, and Steve Jackson’s Sorcery! The Sorcery! books are more mature and also include a simple dice combat system and you keep track of items you’re carrying.

That will probably keep you busy for a while. Have fun! :slight_smile:

Actually it is now the Foundation Series, as he wrote more after the first three. Here’s the list:
2.1 Prelude to Foundation
2.2 Forward the Foundation
2.3 Foundation
2.4 Foundation and Empire
2.5 Second Foundation
2.6 Foundation’s Edge
2.7 Foundation and Earth

Then later his estate authorized three authors to fill in the blanks with three more books which are worth a read:
Foundation’s Fear - Gregory Benford
Foundation and Chaos - Greg Bear
Foundation’s Triumph - David Brin,

I have them all.

hmm then i guess i have some reading to do…

Thank you for taking the time to give me some suggestions I will make sure to check some of those out. I really like horror stuff so I’m always up for a thrill to read one, so I will keep those in mind, but yes a lot of books I shall get to reading haha. Also, animal farm is a great short book it teaches you some valuable lessons and some current issues that are happening today so I think everybody should read it at least once it is great. I also want to read the Game of Thrones books, but I already know most of it from the TV series, but who knows I may be excited enough to read them in the future.

Resistance is a really good book. Adoooore the Hunger Games

eeeewwwwwww hunger games! Everyone knows divergent is better!!!

I beg to differ. I read both of the series twice and I gotta say divergent lacked in action and kind of bored me at times with all the romance lol. Don’t get me wrong they’re both great series, but hunger games was better IMO.

yeah but in the hunger games it lacked the development of characters.


Both are equally good, both lack in certain spot, but they are both very good books

Cool. I’ll have to read Animal Farm (I have no idea why I haven’t yet. I guess I just haven’t bothered). I also need to finish A Song Of Fire And Ice. I started getting depressed when Ned Stark was imprisoned, so I stopped reading for a while XD

Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger.

Love the uglies

Oh, wait, exciting books…
We Were Soldiers Once… And Young by Lt. Gen. Harold G. Moore (Ret.) and war journalist Joseph L. Galloway

(Skip the Mel Gibson movie - it didn’t happen that way)

Under A War Torn Sky Laura Elliot