Eric Wolff organic dye technique?

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…there was an amazing website called Dave’s Skill Toys. I was a frequent visitor to the forums there, and at the time Eric Wolff was doing some amazing organic yoyo dyes on Duncan yoyos. I know at the time, his exact technique was a secret, but I am wondering if he finally revealed it, or if anyone ever figured it out? I know I spent a lot of time dying Freehands in an attempt to get close to what he was doing, but never got it right.



I think he shared the recipe with Alan Gray(a very close/good friend)?

Back when he first came out with his amazing Organic dye jobs; we were in constant communication. Both really into modding at the time; we talked at least a few times a week.

He was very excited to show me his awesome dye work… And I have some I will gather up and post pics; soon.

He actually offered to tell me exactly how to achieve his results. Being a good friend. And cursed by being more honest than most… I gratefully declined.

I suggested the technique might be a good source of making a few bucks. And maybe a good idea to just keep his recipe in his mind for the time being.

Ok; over honest and under-brightness are not the best combination of traits🤡.

All these years later; I would sure love to put that technique to use on some RollerSnakes I intend to make🤔

I haven’t talked to Eric in years.

For you guys that haven’t seen a RollerSnake; I will find a pic in the next day or so.


Yes, Eric Wolff has done some amazing work on yoyos.