Pankratz Customs Anodizing

Mullicabob got black. Plain old black???

Is there anything special about ththat black YYR??

Great work, you are very talented. Or the machine isā€¦

Your anodizes are getting more amazing every time! Only thing is, is it really ok to be doing 28s? It is CLYWs most known color way.

I wouldnā€™t say thatā€™s exactly the same as 28S because it Dosnt have the white acid wash. And so Long as itā€™s not on a CLYW it should be fine

Still safe to shoot CLYW an email, they may not like him profiting from their design

Iā€™ve gotta give him props, that 28s on the Skywalker looks exactly like the one on 28s Peaks.

So I wouldnā€™t normally chime in on something like this because so many other people make valid points, but I reckon you canā€™t really restrict colorschemes otherwise soon thereā€™d be none left. Iā€™d also say that Delirium Dive looks very much like a colorway on a Chupacabra and so I donā€™t think itā€™ll be an issue with the colors, but I think the crucial point here may just be not to call it 28 Stories. Simply call it a nice blueish redish colorway. Itā€™s funny I feel like I was just reading about an issue similar to this in another threadā€¦

Oh and just for the OP, they all look freaking amazing. Effort.

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I dont think the color matters, just that he actually called it 28 stories

yeah, i was very reluctant to do this anodize due to that very reason :confused: i never like to copy well known colorways, and good point, I will not call it a 28 stories as that is not my name and I did not ā€œcome upā€ with that design. Thanks for the good points guys!

Blue w/red splash should save you from any trouble :wink:

Yup. It spins when you throw it.

I mean is the coat special or feel special?

Looks like a matte smooth beadblast. Similar to the feel of a powdercoat is how Iā€™d imagine it. Either way looks killer.

new anodizes coming today!

Check out my review Mullicabob's blast X England1414 custom ano. A quick review


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Amazing :slight_smile:

new anodize!

three new anodizes today

hey england how long would you say a anodize on average takes?