EH 2015 speculation thread

So there has been some making of EH videos on the TMBR Instagram.

The wood itself appears to be a lighter color wood than the 2014, however it retains the sawmill style grain pattern.

It also appears to be a tad bit wider than the 2014 since the axles are sitting flush. If it’s not wider than it may be a thinner wood thread axle.

Price ??
Release date ?? Hopefully soon they look like they are progressing wonderfully.

Could be wrong but it appears to be Red Oak again, and same shape. Probably have a new engraving for 2015 :slight_smile:

Still looking forward to it. Colin does amazing work!

It does appear to be the same shape

I’m not missing out this time.

Looks similar to the 2014, but still getting one… YEEEEEEEAH buddy.

Im also getting one, I have the 2014 but could always use another! :wink:

White Oak this year, with a “possibility” of other woods. It’s kind of come full circle. The original eH was White Oak, the following year was Red Oak. Then the 2014 wood thread was Red Oak, and now back to a White Oak.

Looking forward to it, and the “possibility” of some other woods.

I’ve got a few tmbr yo-yos but no EH yet. I think i’m picking one up this year!

Can never have too many TMBR’s. This photo is outdated, have several more that are not in this family photo :slight_smile:


i’m so stoked you guys are stoked!!! every year, the eh has evolved a bit, sometimes subtly and sometimes obviously, and this year will be no exception. hoping you dig the result!

all the guys behind its creation are amazing, and i’m honored to be involved with them. special props to colin, who (not unlike spyy steve) has an obsessive devotion to his craft. if you haven’t followed his “how it’s mEHde” series on the @playtmbr instagram, it gives you a good glimpse into how all of us are personally invested in this yo-yo.

more details forthcoming very soon!


Oh dude so stoked ed

Any estimates on release date?

So any updates on release date?

Engraving is happening now, and Andre is running it, so we are VERY close.

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Double post, but…

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Holy poop, I guess it’s time to buy my first wood jojo

Wood is good.

Ed posted pics… guessing a few days until the release…


Looks amazing. Nice tricks in the new vid too, Ed.

Every time I watch you land something crazy I stress out for a second, and then realize I’m not in a contest anymore lol ;D

