Anyone planning on goin?
I’ll probably be there
I’m hoping to go
I might be there, need to check the work schedule
I would like to, but I have a good feeling it’ll be a hard time to convince my better half that we need to drive across the state for a YoYo contest I am not competing in lol
It’s like club but bigger. Call it a social outing where you get to see a bunch if your online buddies
Excellent! I didn’t know about this event. I’ll try and plan on some work in Pitt that week! Hope to see you guys there.
I’ll be there. I think I’ll probably end up going around the afternoon-1ish. Im pretty sure Tesla is competing.
Cool, I’ll see you guys there
I am looking to, but I didn’t sign up
I’m thinking I won’t make it which is a bummer. Too much life going on
Booo… I was hoping to meet you IRL. My wife has family in the DC area, maybe I’ll try to coordinate a visit when your club has a meetup…
Why not?
I’m disappointed too but responsibilities and junk. So many cool folks I was hoping to meet irl but there will be future contests and we would love to have you at a meet if you are ever in the area
Last second, but… see yall there
Okay things have changed will have to dip early but I’ll be there the first half
I’ll get to show you that I no longer look out the window when I throw my breakaways
I did after I said that. See you there!
You’re coming?!!?? I’m so looking forward to meet you again!!!