East Coast Masters

Anyone planning on goin?


I’ll probably be there

I’m hoping to go

I might be there, need to check the work schedule

I would like to, but I have a good feeling it’ll be a hard time to convince my better half that we need to drive across the state for a YoYo contest I am not competing in lol

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It’s like club but bigger. Call it a social outing where you get to see a bunch if your online buddies

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Excellent! I didn’t know about this event. I’ll try and plan on some work in Pitt that week! Hope to see you guys there.


You guys going? @Yooo @ice1000

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I’ll be there. I think I’ll probably end up going around the afternoon-1ish. Im pretty sure Tesla is competing.

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Cool, I’ll see you guys there

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I am looking to, but I didn’t sign up

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I’m thinking I won’t make it which is a bummer. Too much life going on

Booo… I was hoping to meet you IRL. My wife has family in the DC area, maybe I’ll try to coordinate a visit when your club has a meetup…

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Why not?

I’m disappointed too but responsibilities and junk. So many cool folks I was hoping to meet irl but there will be future contests and we would love to have you at a meet if you are ever in the area

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Last second, but… see yall there


Okay things have changed will have to dip early but I’ll be there the first half


I’ll get to show you that I no longer look out the window when I throw my breakaways :flexed_biceps:


I did after I said that. See you there!


You’re coming?!!?? I’m so looking forward to meet you again!!!