dv888 2012 model release date?

I was looking to get a DV888 - but the only color is grey (not that the aqua or red were all that, either) - so it was suggested to wait for the 2012 model (rumor has it there might be a splash design)… does anyone know a release date? Or about the time they do it (early in the year, a particular season, etc).

For those who have more then one years model, how much of a difference is there (shape, weight, bearing)? Or is it just colors?


I believe that there were some SPLASH colors made before but they’re pretty rare

Splash dv888 on shelves later this month, early feb latest.New sold color assortment sees black replace grey. They should be in within 2 weeks.

Black is a great choice for solid. I’ve got the prepro (?) and it’s a beaut.

I had found on eBay for like $30 grey/black practically mint and then used it so much it got beat. I recently sold it on eBay for $28 I think I got my money’s worth