You can find Duncan’s just about everywhere in the world. You won’t find higher priced Throwers. You may find a few Yomegas at odd and end toy stores. Duncan is making progress in high end, Besides the MG, but It’s taken them a long time to get into metals. IMO
Duncan really put a lot of effort into what making yo-yoing what it is today. How? Let’s count their contributions:
They were the ones who first made yo-yos a common word.
They were the first to mass-produce Butterfly-shaped yo-yos.
They created 5A(well, Steve Brown did when he was with Duncan).
They have an extensive market worldwide.
They provide a beginner all the tools he/she needs to start yo-yoing(Counterweights, string, spacers, bearings, etc…).
Duncan has almost MADE the yo-yoing community. The are the original. No, they don’t have the Expensive air-craft aluminum yo-yos, but they have yo-yos such as the Butterfly, Imperial, and everything that most of us started with. Without Duncan half or even more of us would not even be yo-yoing. Now, they see yo-yoing is becoming more advanced, so they are becoming more advanced with their new yo-yos coming out.