Months ago, some news was released about the Duncan Condor, Drew Tetz’s signature yoyo. The thing is, ever since then, nothing at all has been said, and it seems like way to long a time for it to still be in the works, because they already had prototypes that Drew used in 365■■■■■■■■■■ at least a few times. Has anybody heard anything about it?
I just got Drew’s card with my Ringmaster, and it says that one of his favorite yoyos is the Condor, so that must mean that at least one exist. Maybe they are still testing it or something.
Seems perfectly legit. They appeal to a much broader customer base than the small boutique unresponsive yoyo crowd. If you want it unresponsive, it’s simple to make it so.
I asked Brandon about the Condor last year, he said that they were having problems with the axle stripping and that they were working on fixing that, they didn’t want to release it while it had that kind of problem. He said the same was happening to the Freebird 2 (Hanks 2nd signature yoyo). I can’t wait for the Condor to come out though, it’s supposed to retail for 90 also is what Brandon said.