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Gone now :fire: of a sale. Can’t believe how fast everything went. 2 Sages… wish someone would take them. Maybe I’ll toss ‘em in a drawer and keep them for giveaways or something.

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hah! heck yeah man :smiley: Happy these all went so quick for you!

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Haha. I bought the edge close to 6-8 months ago.

still my favorite. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Only throw I regret selling :rofl: Love that thing. I got a nene OG though, which I’ve wanted forever so that’s cool. I think I’ll pick up a 1.5 again if I can, and maybe a beyond… or maybe I’ll get a YYR Onslaught instead… hmmm.

Edit: I remember that acid wash so well. I could pick my old Edge out of a lineup.


It’s fantastic. Thanks for selling it. :joy:

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Bumperoni Pizza w/red onion, fresh roasted garlic, hot peppers, pineapple and lightly drizzled with sriracha sauce.

Edit: and a side dish of price drop




2 for 3 today… someone make it 3 for 3 and buy this lovely Retic Atra.

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