Does anybody know the physical measurements to certain yo-yos?

I’m an editor on the Yo-yo Wiki, and do any of you know the measurements (diameter and width) of certain yo-yos, like oh, say, the old HSpin HandQuake throws?

I don’t specifically see them listed on, but maybe try contacting them and requesting?

They don’t have a HandQuake on exhibit, so no-go :-[

I know they don’t have one on exhibit…that’s why I recommended contacting them and asking. :wink:

I have had two of the three Handquakes since they came out.

I just happen to have a 1.4 on the bookshelf. I have the all black Handquake down in the Shop.

I can give you very close measurements on the 1.4 now. I have more accurate equipment at the Shop.

But until then, I will give you the numbers on the 1.4(blue/black).

Diameter - 55.15mm. Width - 22mm. Weight - 48. Grams


@yoyodoc Thanks dude. ;D