Dinged SPYY Radian MK II and Radiyoactive Cyclotron

Strong preference for cash. I might take something in trade but I’ve been out of the game so long I donted even know what’s around… I tried to really capture the flaws so the are somewhat spotlighted
Also if my prices are way out of line please pm me, I asked around a bit and got feedback on what the market was for these two…

Oh and the obligatory: if you have a good condition OG bapezilla I want it, either with trade + cash this end or cash out right from me.

SPYY Radian MKII BBB: Mostly alright except one real good size ding. See pics, no vibe but the pads NEED to be replaced… more pics available on request.I’m pretty sure they’re original…

Radiyoactive Cyclotron #25: Brand new with packaging, I bought it a little bit ago new in package, opened it, threw it ~4-8 times, and I’m not convinced it’s for me, it’s not bad, just not what I was expecting: might be a little over valued, I won’t let it go for less than $95 unless it goes in trade…

what’s the price on th Radian?


Price drops:

Radian MKII BBB: $sold

Cyclotron: $90 Shipped + Goods/service

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