Dedhed The Visitor* CW review

Small edit with the Dedhed Alien cw. Glossy Cerakote (sp?) one. It’s the oddest feeling to me but i love it. It’s so smooth it almost feels wet, It’s a trip. but really does feel so nice on the skin. Tough as nails too. Like, REALLY tough. It will scuff the coating of any throw but shows no signs of damage. Quite impressive. Smacked it on hardwood many times as well and concrete twice. Still mint, still glossy. It’s also a total work of art and catches light in a really beautiful way.

Unlike the Duncan Monkey CW, the Alien doesn’t hurt. I bring this up because i had thoughts (fears) of this due to shaped CWs like the Monkey hitting spots on my hand that make things go numb and are just breath taking-ly painful. so far, not the case with the Alien. It does hurt if it smacks you hard though, of course. You can feel how dense and hard this thing is and it will for sure remind you of that. It’s a “take a deep breath, flex and move on” kind of pain. Normal 5A things.

Oh, it does ever so slightly fall towards the heaver side of CWs. I don’t have a scale or numbers but i can feel it. Wouldn’t call it a “heavy” CW, just leaning in that direction. Maybe .5 - .7g over a duncan die.

Zero bias here too, just honest truths. If there was something to critique, i would but… what do you want from me? I love this thing. I don’t know, just been throwing with it alot and wanted to talk about it. It’s great.


Jerry would approve of this review.


Ty, I can’t thank you enough for your review my man. That video was insanely cool! Well done bro, it brings back the old scratch and graff video vibes, and that flow was killer! Also, those pics are gorgeous!

I’m really glad to hear that you enjoy the weights. The alien or “The Visitor” as we officially have called it on our site now (sorry we’re always changing the names lol) was a project that started from making a custom roach clip for one of my relatives and I figured this would be a fun way to make a counterweight at the same time. So in the design of it, we tried making the model as palm friendly and more forgiving in the areas that would usually hurt. It was a really fun designing it because I’m obsessed with Ufology and have been dying to make an alien, so it came together rather quickly and has since become one of our most popular designs. Keep an eye out because we are going to be doing a special edition “matte” version of it very soon!


Glad i decided to post this because now i know the lore! So cool! Also thank you for the kind words. <3